Private Yard and Menage


KWA was appointed to design and achieve planning permission for a new private yard in the 6 acre grounds of a large country house in Essex. The site included a further 3 acres of pasture land set across a public right of way. The brief was to erect private equestrian facilities for the applicant’s own use. This incorporated an American Barn to provide six stables, a feed store, tack room and horse washdown, an all weather paddock, a six-horse Horse Exerciser and a 50m x 25m Manège to provide facilities for the clients to exercise their horses. It also incorporated Change of Use of one field to equine use.

During the construction phase, the client had an alternative design and construction team carry out extensive work to the country house and the two design teams and contractors were able to work well together throughout the project.

Work started on site summer 2013 and completed in early 2014.